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Auto Repair in Clearwater, FL. | Best Auto Repair Shops | Auto Service


All Keywords: auto, auto repair, repair, auto repair in, repair in, in, in clearwater, clearwater, in clearwater fl, clearwater fl, fl, fl best, best, best auto, best auto repair, auto repair shops, repair shops, shops, shops auto, auto service, service, affordable, affordable auto, fl clearwater, clearwater auto, clearwater auto repair, repair is, is, is top, top, top rated, rated, auto repair shop, repair shop, shop, auto repair shop in, repair shop in, shop in, in pinellas, pinellas, ase, ase certified, certified, certified auto, auto mechanics, mechanics, to, skip to content, to content, make, make an, make an appointment, an appointment, appointment, make an appointment today, appointment today, today, today call, call, call 727, 727, 565, 2254, repair clearwater, auto services, services, alignment, auto electric, electric, belts, belts hoses, hoses, brakes, clutch, clutch repair, oil, oil change, change, tires, transmission, transmission flush, flush, transmission repair, coupons, menu close, ask, ask about, ask about our, about our, our, ac, repair service, alternators, starters, four, four wheel, wheel, four wheel alignment, wheel alignment, automatic, windows, batteries, cv, components, check, check engine, engine, check engine light, engine light, light, light computer, computer, computer diagnostics, diagnostics, clutches, engine cooling, cooling, cooling systems, systems, engine diagnostics, electrical, electrical systems, filters, fluid, maintenance, headlights, wipers, mufflers, exhaust, exhaust systems, oil changes, changes, shocks, shocks struts, struts, starting, starting charging, charging, steering, steering suspension, suspension, tire, tire rotation, rotation, transmission services, flushes, tune, tune ups, ups, wheel balancing, balancing, balancing and, and, and more, more, we, we do, do, do auto, in clearwater florida, clearwater florida, florida, at, at clearwater, auto and, repair our, our auto, are, certified with, with, with years, years, years of, of, years of experience, of experience, experience, of experience working, experience working, experience working on, working on, on, on all, all, make and, make and model, and model, model, model cars, cars, cars and, cars and trucks, and trucks, trucks, come, come in, come in today, in today, today and, today and save, and save, save, and save on, save on, save on your, on your, your, on your auto, your auto, your auto repair, monday, monday friday, friday, monday friday 7, friday 7, 7, friday 7 30am, 7 30am, 30am, 5pm, largo, largo florida, 5, 5 star, star, 5 star rated, star rated, xe934, xe934 xe934, xe934 xe934 xe934, xe934 xe934 xe934 xe934, 5 5, welcome to, to clearwater, auto and truck, and truck, truck, auto and truck repair, and truck repair, truck repair, repair of, of pinellas, we opened, opened, repair to, to service, service the, the, the clearwater, area with, with the, with the goal, the goal, goal, with the goal of, the goal of, goal of, of treating, treating, customers, treating customers fairly, customers fairly, fairly, respectfully, we ve, ve, ve built, built, ve built a, built a, a, a solid, solid, a solid reputation, reputation, reputation of, of honest, honest, dependable, hard, hard work, work, we won, won, we won t, won t, t, t try, try, t try to, try to, to sell, sell, sell you, you, you auto, auto repair services, repair services, services you, you don, don, you don t, don t, you don t need, don t need, t need, need, need and, and we, we explain, explain, all of, all of our, of our, our recommendations, recommendations, fully, so, so that, that, so that you, that you, so that you are, that you are, you are, are comfortable, comfortable, comfortable and, and know, know, know why, why, why they, they, they may, may, they may be, may be, be, be needed, needed, our skilled, skilled, and hybrid, hybrid, technicians, technicians will, will, will fix, fix, fix your, repair issues, issues, correctly, the first, first, the first time, first time, time, time saving, saving, saving you, you time, time and, you time and money, time and money, and money, money, we can, can, we can assist, can assist, assist, we can assist you, can assist you, assist you, can assist you with, assist you with, you with, with any, any, auto maintenance, concerns, you might, might, you might have, might have, have, have so, that you don, you don t have, don t have, t have, don t have any, t have any, have any, surprises, whether, whether you, whether you re, you re, re, re taking, taking, taking a, a day, a day trip, day trip, trip, trip or, or, or just, just, driving, driving to, to the beach, the beach, beach, ac repair, serv, ice, alig, ment, windo, ws, components com, com, com puter, puter, filter, filter s, s, headlights w, w, w i, i, pers, st, rut, su, we offer, offer, maintenance tips, tips, maintenance tips to, tips to, to all, to all those, all those, those, all those that, those that, that are, are interested, interested, so they, so they can, they can, can keep, keep, keep their, their, their cars, running, running smoothly, smoothly, for, for years, years to, for years to come, years to come, to come, can also, also, also can, can show, show, can show you, show you, you what, what, show you what to, what to, what to look, to look, look, what to look for, to look for, look for, to look for when, look for when, for when, when getting, getting, estimates, don t get, t get, get, sold, something, something you, need at, at other, other, other auto, repair shops in, shops in, can save, can save you, save you, you more, more of, more of your, of your, your hard, hard earned, earned, hard earned money, earned money, than, than other, auto shops, without, sacrificing, quality, at this, this, at this time, this time, this time we, time we, we offer free, offer free, free towing, towing, towing to, to our location, our location, location, should you, you decide, decide, you decide to, decide to, to have, have us, us, repair issue, issue, if, if your, if your car, your car, car, your car is, car is, car is in, is in, in another, another, call or, call or email, or email, email, call or email us, or email us, email us, email us now, us now, us now for, now for, now for a, for a, for a free, a free, free second, second, second opinion, opinion, check out, out, check out our, out our, services page, page for, page for a, for a complete, a complete, complete, a complete list, complete list, list, a complete list of, complete list of, list of, complete list of all, list of all, of all, all services, all services we, services we, services we provide, we provide, provide, a minute, minute, minute on, on the, on the phone, the phone, could, could save, save you a, you a, you a lot, a lot, lot, call us, call us today, us today, we are, we are happy, are happy, happy, we are happy to, are happy to, happy to, happy to help, to help, help get, get you, get you back, you back, you back on, back on, back on the, back on the road, on the road, the road, road, on the road in, the road in, road in, in comfort, comfort, in comfort and, comfort and, and with, with money, money in, money in your, in your, money in your wallet, in your wallet, your wallet, wallet, there, there s, there s a, s a, a reason, reason, reason we, are rated, one of, of the, one of the best, of the best, the best, the best auto, auto repair services in, repair services in, services in, services in clearwater, 8, 8 things, things, things to, things to look, things to look for, for at, at auto, at auto repair, at auto repair shops, with so, with so many, so many, many, to choose, to choose from, choose from, locating, locating a, a good, good, car repair, car repair in, can be, can be a, be a, daunting, a daunting task, task, here are, here are some, are some, some, some ways, ways, some ways to, ways to, ways to help, to help you, you select, select, select the, the one, the one that, one that, that s, that s right, s right, right, right for, s right for you, right for you, for you, t fall, fall, fall for, scams, beware, beware of, of any, mechanic, attempts, attempts to, to scare, scare, scare you, you into, into, having, having work, work done, done, they do, do this, this by, by, telling, telling you, you that, that the vehicle, the vehicle, vehicle, shouldn, shouldn t, shouldn t be, t be, be driven, driven, until, fixed, fixed for, for fear, fear, fear that, that something, something bad, bad, may happen, happen, happen to, to you, if they, they really, really, you then, then get, get a, a second, a second opinion, elsewhere, the mechanics, shops that, employ, certified mechanics, hold, hold them, them, them to, to a, to a higher, a higher, higher, a higher standard, higher standard, standard, standard of, standard of excellence, of excellence, excellence, of excellence and, excellence and, and professionalism, professionalism, are trained, trained, are trained to, trained to, to provide, to provide the, provide the, to provide the best, provide the best, the best possible, best possible, possible, service in, in a, in a variety, a variety, in a variety of, a variety of, variety of, rigorous, certification, certification examinations, examinations, go by, by word, word, word of, word of mouth, of mouth, mouth, find, find out, out from, from your, from your friends, your friends, friends, your friends and, friends and, your friends and family, friends and family, and family, family who, who they, they trust, trust, trust with, with their, their vehicles, vehicles, their vehicles and, vehicles and, and why, this can, can provide, can provide you, provide you, can provide you with, provide you with, provide you with a, you with a, with a, a short, short, short list, short list of, list of shops, of shops, you may, you may want, may want, you may want to, may want to, want to look, to look into, look into, further, before making, before making your, making your, your final, final, determination, watch, watch out, out at, at the, at the dealership, the dealership, dealership, on average, average, dealers, charge, charge more, more for, more for the, for the, for the same, the same, service that, that other, do and, and their, labor, labor charges, charges, charges are, higher than, higher than the, than the, the industry, the industry average, scope, scope of, of expertise, expertise, may also, may also be, also be, be limited, limited, limited in, in some, in some cases, some cases, cases, but, but not, not, not all, all to, a particular, particular, car manufacturer, manufacturer, be careful, careful, be careful of, careful of, of the well, the well, well, meaning, part, part time, relative, this person, person, tinkers, vehicles from, from time, from time to, time to, from time to time, time to time, to time, to time and, and has, has, has done, some things, but rather, rather, rather than, have them, work on, work on your, on your car, your car and, car and, save you money, you money, remember, remember that, that only, only a, a certified, certified mechanic, can make, make sure, sure, make sure your, sure your, your vehicle, your vehicle is, vehicle is, is performing, performing, performing at, at top, top shape, shape, shape and, and you, and you re, as, as safe, safe, safe as, as possible, while, while driving, driving it, chain, chain store, store shops, usually, entry, entry level, level, can lead, lead, can lead to, lead to, unnecessary, additional, additional time, time in, in the shop, the shop, as they, they work, work to, to get, to get things, get things, things right, right with, repairs, do guarantee, guarantee, their service, they will, fix any, any issues, issues that, that arise, arise, however, however the, the cost, the cost of, cost of, cost of your, of your time, your time, time while, while they, can add, add up, up, quickly, feel, feel for, for the employees, the employees, employees, employees at, at a, at a shop, a shop, are they, friendly, friendly and, friendly and courteous, and courteous, courteous, do they, answer, answer all, all your, all your questions, your questions, satisfactorily, seem, knowledgeable, knowledgeable and, and you are, around, around them, them you, re off, re off to, off to, off to a, off to a good, good start, find out if, out if, if the, the customers, waiting, waiting for, waiting for their, for their, pleased, dismayed, this can be, can be easily, be easily, easily, determined, determined with, a quick, quick, few, few minutes, minutes, minutes of, of observation, observation, observation in, the waiting, the waiting room, waiting room, room, how long, how long has, long has, has the, been, been in, been in business, in business, has it, been around, around a, a while, and built, built up, up a, a reputation, reputation in, in the community, the community, any good, good shop, shop will, will have, lasting, lasting power, while a, a poor, poor, will usually, be gone, gone, repair customer, customer, customer bill, bill, bill of, bill of rights, of rights, rights, we believe, believe, our customers, our customers have, customers have, great service, service can, can not, occur, consider, consider the, consider the following, the following, following, as our, our pledge, pledge, pledge to, that we, that we will, we will, we will do, will do, do our, do our best, our best, do our best to, our best to, best to, to make your, make your, repair or, repair or maintenance, or maintenance, experience with, with us, us the, us the best, as a, as a customer, a customer, customer of, of clearwater, repair you, you have, you have a, have a right, a right, a right to, right to, a fair, fair, fair and, fair and honest, and honest, estimate, we will never, will never, never, never try, never try to, you services, services or, are not, not necessary, necessary, receive, receive the, auto repair and, repair and, repair and maintenance, and maintenance, maintenance care, possible in, in a timely, a timely, timely, in a timely manner, timely manner, manner, manner and, and friendly, atmosphere, we are sure, are sure, sure that, that if, that if you, if you give, you give, give, you give us, give us, give us a, us a, a chance, chance, we will win, will win, win, you as, you as a, customer for, customer for life, for life, the best rates, best rates, rates, best rates in, rates in, in pinellas county, pinellas county, county, strive, strive to, to get you, get you the, you the, you the best, rates available, available without, quality service, service or, craftsmanship, a comprehensive, comprehensive, comprehensive maintenance, analysis, analysis explained, explained, explained by, by one, by one of, by one of our, one of our, one of our trained, of our trained, our trained, trained technicians, steer, you through, you through the, through the, the technical, technical, jargon, so you, so you know, you know, you know what, know what, know what you, what you, what you need, you need, you need and, more importantly, importantly, what you don, repair clearwater florida, car trouble, trouble, google, google auto, repair near, near, repair near me, near me, me, me we, come up, our certified, mechanics can, can repair, almost, almost any, any make, make or, any make or model, or model, model type, type, type of, type of car, of car, car or, car or truck, or truck, foreign, foreign and, and domestic, domestic, we perform, perform, scheduled, services for, for domestic, and provide, provide complete, complete repair, services including, alignments, brakes front, front, front ends, ends, rear, rear ends, transmissions, diagnostic, diagnostic services, diagnostics and, and repairs, electronics, electronics service, service and, service and repair, and repair, factory, diagnostic equipment, equipment, equipment and, and trained, we can also, what steps, steps, steps to, what steps to take, to take, take, take to, to keep, to keep your, keep your, to keep your car, keep your car, trouble free, free for, come for, much, much less, less, less than, than you, than you think, you think, think, give us a call, us a call, a call, a call today, call today, call today and, and ask, our ac, ac safety, transmission engine, light and, and brake, brake, brake inspections, inspections, your name, your name required, name required, required, your email, your email required, email required, subject, your message, message, excellent, based on, based on 5, on 5, based on 5 reviews, 5 reviews, renee, sargent, october 19, october 19 2022, 19 2022, 2022, this business, responded, responded to, responded to a, a concern, concern, concern with, efficiency, efficiency and, and accuracy, accuracy, much appreciated, appreciated, garrett, shim, september, september 13, 13, september 13 2021, 13 2021, 2021, every time, every time i, time i, time i have, i have, i have taken, have taken, taken, taken my, my, my car, my car in, car in, they re, kind, kind and, and timely, i have always, have always, felt, comfortable with, pricing, pricing and, and never, never felt, pressured, to do, to do something, do something, guys, guys girls, girls, girls in, girls in town, in town, town, i will, i will not, will not, will not take, not take, take my, my cars, anywhere, anywhere else, else, kevin, kevin m, m, march, march 9, march 9 2021, 9 2021, took, took my, my car to, car to, repair for, a check, a tune, a tune up, tune up, got, got me, got me in, me in, in and, in and out, and out, out in, in no, in no time, no time, very happy, very happy with, happy with, very happy with the, happy with the, happy with the service, with the service, the service, steve, steve jones, jones, may 8, may 8 2020, 8 2020, gave, gave me, gave me a, me a, a good price, good price, price and, and fixed, fixed my, car quickly, seems, seems to, seems to be, be running, west, west of, of tampa, tampa, tampa is, is part, is part of, part of, is part of the, part of the, the tampa, tampa st, tampa st petersburg, st petersburg, petersburg, st petersburg clearwater, petersburg clearwater, metropolitan, it is known, is known, known, is known for, known for, sunny, weather, weather and, and gulf, gulf, gulf coast, coast, coast beaches, beaches, clearwater beach, beach on, a barrier, barrier, barrier island, island, island is, a 3, 3 mile, mile, stretch, stretch of, of white, white, white sand, sand, backed, backed by, hotels, hotels and, hotels and restaurants, and restaurants, restaurants, at the city, the city, city, the city s, city s, spectrum, field, field the, the phillies, phillies, pro, pro baseball, baseball, baseball team, plays, spring, spring training, training, training games, games, you can enjoy, can enjoy, enjoy, sunsets, at pier, pier, pier 60, 60, overlooking, overlooking the, the water, water, the water and, water and, nightly, festival, featuring, music, crafts, crafts and, and street, street, street performers, performers, also hosts, hosts, hosts the, the annual, annual, clearwater jazz, jazz, clearwater jazz holiday, jazz holiday, holiday, clearwater marine, marine, clearwater marine aquarium, marine aquarium, aquarium, aquarium is, the home, is the home of, the home of, home of, of winter, winter, star of, star of the, the dolphin, dolphin, dolphin tale, tale, movies, injured, dolphins, dolphins and, and sea, sea, sea turtles, turtles, turtles are, rehabilitated, raquo, feed, raquo comments, ase certified technician, certified technician, technician, aaa, aaa auto, aaa auto club, auto club, club, club in, repair shops and, shops and, repair clearwater fl, tag_lang_en

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